Intrasport / King gizzard and the lizard wizard

 Don't take it personally

No te lo tomes a mal

This is not about you

Esto no va por ti

I begin to slide inward and throughout to

Empiezo a deslizarme a través de

Shatter the static silencing my mind

Rompo la estática silenciandome

Find the rhythm and set course to collide

Encuentra el ritmo y prepara para chocar

Don’t take it personally

No te lo tomes a mal

My hands are disappearing

Mis manos desvanecen

Dissolving in a tear

Con lágrima de forma

I am not needed here

Aquí no me demandan

Starting to feel something

Empiezo a sentir algo

I think I’m taking off

Creo que me voy ya

I think I’m feeling something

Creo que siento algo

Will I evaporate?

¿Me evaporaré?

Is this me feeling something?

¿Soy yo quien siente algo?

I’ve got a bird’s eye view

Tengo vista de halcón

I have shed my skin

Mudo mis pieles

Look at me now

Mírame ya 


Perish to my thought

Mato pensando

My hand is on the gun

Te estoy apuntando

It’s intra-intrasport

Es intra-intrasport

Get to me before

Llega a mí antes

My face splashes in the sky

Que mi cara explote allá

I used to dream about killing certain people

Yo solía soñar sobre matar gente

Dreams that sew me up like sleeping with a needle

Sueños que cosen el sueño con agujas

Those feelings that i had are building up to something

Estos sentimientos están creando algo

I feel a schism in the rhythm, now i’m running

Siento el ritmo partirse ahora corro

My hair is liquifying

Mi pelo se derrite

My taste buds are igniting

Mi gusto se incendia

It’s true, I am evolving

Ya ves, evoluciono

It's all relative

Es relativo


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