Qué nos va a pasar/ La buena vida
Cada día trato de acertar
Every day I’m trying to guess
Por donde saldrás
Where will you go
Eso es tanto como adivinar
That is like to try and speculate
Que nos va a pasar
What is going to arise
Has estado, hace tiempo
You have been, for a long time
Algo raro por momentos
A little weird by split seconds
Me pregunto algo inquieta
And i wonder, somewhat anxious
Que nos va a pasar
What is going to arise
No recuerdo cuando decayó
I don’t remember when did it stop
La conversación
The talk between us
Ni el punto en que dices tu
Nor the point that you often had said
Que algo cambió
That something had switch
Sin embargo, mientras tanto
But regardless, at the same time
yo me guardo la esperanza
i am keeping the expectation
Y las cosas que en la plaza
And the words that in the town square
Nos dijimos hoy
We told ourselves today
Ahora que te vas
Now that you will leave
Pediré perdón y dirás que no
I’ll you say i’m sorry and you won’t accept
Y estará muy bien
It will be really well
Ya sabes por qué, yo me esconderé
You know why it is, i am going to hide
Ahora que te vas
Now that you will leave
Ya no saldré más
I won't leave the House
Dime para qué, si no te voy a ver
Tell me a reason why, if i won't see you again
Cuando pase el tiempo
When some time has passed
Conocerás a alguien más
You are going to meet with someone else
Y me olvidarás, y es que es lo normal
And you won't recall me, everyday stuff
Aunque nos dé rabia siempre ocurre igual
Although it makes us angry always it’s the same
Y nos esforzamos en disimular
And all of us struggle to hide all of that
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